Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Little Bee Mermaid

Kitty Pimms Investigates Betty Bee
ink, watercolor, and gouache on paper

Every time I paint a redhead I think of The Little Mermaid, this particular redhead especially because I gave her almost precisely Ariel's hue. So if you know nothing about Pushing Daisies, or if you couldn't care less about it, just imagine this as a painting of Ariel decorating a wing of her palace. Eric is busy governing whatever-the-heck country he's supposed to be prince of, giving Ariel a chance to enjoy her brightly-lit study. Hexagons make her think of coral.

And if you also couldn't care less about The Little Mermaid, that means you're either (a) a boy, in which case you're simply going to have to enjoy the painting based only on its artistic merit (bummer); or (b) not worth my time. Seriously, a girl who doesn't like The Little Mermaid? Get out of my sight!

Just kidding, I can forgive you. This time.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shiny Happy Frames

Chuck Kept a Cool Head and an Open Mouth
ink, watercolor and gouache on paper

Howdy, y'all! Just wanted to give you a glimpse at what I'm scrambling to finish for the Teeny Tiny show! I had to show you how it looked framed because I feel the frame totally makes the piece. I snagged a bunch of different frames from Goodwill and painted all but one gold (the last one has blue flowers with gold trim; it was so pretty I couldn't paint over it--you'll see soon enough).

More to come!

And don't forget to RSVP for this Friday's opening, Good Vs. EEEEvil! Superheroes vs. Villains Smackdown at 242!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I don't think I've ever planned so many pieces around a single episode of a tv show. Season 2, Episode 1 of Pushing Daisies, titled "Bzzzzzzz," is so visually stunning that I couldn't help but go a little nuts for hexagons!

I mean, look at this! Couldn't you just die?!

These sketches are storms of my brain. I'm looking forward to seeing how the final pieces unfold!

Screen shot from

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My goodies have arrived! Fancy vinyl custom stickers courtesy of Stickermule! Aren't they purty?

So remember that if you entered the giveaway, I want to send you one of these babies. I still need some addresses, so send 'em on over to me ( or Amanda ( and you'll get a wee present in the mail!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Amanda has just announced the winner of my print giveaway on her blog! Congrats to Bea Modisett, I'll mail out your prize as soon as I get your address from Amanda!

I want to say a big "THANK YOU!" to everyone who entered! I'm expecting a delivery of my very first stickers ever, and when I get them I'd love to send one to everyone who took the time to enter the giveaway. Please send your mailing address either to me ( or Amanda ( so you can get your present (or presentS in Bea's case)!

In other news, I'll be participating in Three Graces' Teeny Tiny Art Show VIII! This is my third Teeny Tiny show and each one is a blast, so I'm really looking forward to the opening in February.

Until next time!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


On Sunday, Matt and I joined some friends at Great Scott in Allston for another round of Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School! We had the pleasure of drawing from Persephone's Playhouse, a burlesque model who also practices bondage. It made for a very interesting figure drawing session!

Thanks, Persephone and Dr. Sketchy's!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vintage Superhero

I give you my first painting of 2011, created for the upcoming Good vs. EEEEvil! exhibition at Space 242 (opening Jan. 28)! Unsurprisingly, when I first showed it to my husband he was struck by the unusual-for-me color palette. I'm usually drawn to bright colors, but I wanted this piece to have an antique look to it. I based my palette on sepia-toned photographs that were later colorized, and I'm very happy with the results!

I also wanted to mention that her costume was devised while I was watching Easy Virtue. The wardrobe in that movie is to die for!

Don't forget about the giveaway, there's still plenty of time to enter!

Monday, January 10, 2011


The very lovely and talented Amanda Atkins is hosting a giveaway for me on her blog! The print above is the prize; simply follow my blog or "like" my Facebook page (or do both and be entered twice!) and comment on Amanda's blog that you did so to be considered. (If you're doing one of those things already, just comment on Amanda's blog that you're a follower and/or a liker!)

A winner will be chosen in one week (Monday, Jan 17th)! Have at it!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Etsy Store Reopens!

I am happy to announce that my Etsy shop is back on track! I've got it filled with affordable goodies featuring my favorite illustrations and paintings. To commemorate the occasion, I have everything in the shop on sale for 20% off! Simply use coupon code REOPENING20 at checkout.

Tell your friends!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Up in the sky, It's a bird, It's a plane...

Here are a couple sketches for something I've got cooking for an upcoming group show, Good vs. EEEEVIL! It's an exhibition dedicated to original superheroes and villains and it'll be my return to Space 242 since my solo show there in 2009. I got inspired recently by 1920s fashion and decided that I'd like to try a historical superheroine. Check back soon for the final!